Friday, February 14, 2014

My trip to the Colosseum by Beckett

 Yesterday we went to the Colosseum. It is a old building that gladiators fought in. Gladiators were people that were usually slaves who were forced into the colosseum to joust, fight wild animals, and sword fight sometimes to the death to entertain the crowd.  I think it was a bad idea of the leaders to entertain by killing others.

The colosseum was about 2 football fields long, over 150 feet tall, and 50,000 people could fit in the stands!  It was also built out of concrete about 2,000 years ago. Part of it is rubble now.
View our pictures of the Colosseum here!!!


  1. That soundsHUGE! You have awesome pictures. I can't wait to see where you are next!!

  2. Amazing pictures. Great job describing the Colosseum Beckett. Looks like you are having fun. Can't wait to show your cousins all the pictures tomorrow. Love you, Aunt Christine

  3. Hi guys, while I haven't been commenting I have been following, and I love what you're doing!! How's the language learning going? It is definitely hardest at the beginning! Keep on having fun and give Vally and family a big hug when you see you

  4. Wow, I didn't know it was THAT BIG, great pics, good food?????
